The following is a 0-60 user guide for non-admin users of klemi. It should be useful for distribution amongst role-holders (e.g. youth ministry co-ordinators, music team leaders) in your church who don’t need to know everything about klemi but will need to input some data. Okay so what is Klemi? Klemi is a church management […]
Is Klemi Secure?
The Headline Yes! Klemi uses industry standards for securing and protecting data. The Detail Security considerations can be divided largely into two significant areas – the security-orientated processes that Klemi enables and promotes, and the technical specifications it meets to protect those processes UPDATE: you can see more on Klemi and the 2018 GDPR legislation here Processes – […]
How much does Klemi cost?
Klemi Standard: £30 per month Sign Up Now! Klemi’s pricing is a based on a flat fee subscription model. You pay monthly for the service. There are no installation costs and no setup fee. If you’re new to managing data online we recommend that you take out an extra ‘settling-in’ plan with us. This gives […]
How do I move a member to a different family?
Sometimes a member ends up in the wrong family, or much to their parents’ chagrin they grow up, leave home and it’s time to reflect that on klemi! This video shows you how. Note: the family you want to move them to needs to exist first.
How do I import Member Information?
Although it’s super easy to input data into klemi using the normal interface, for most churches it makes sense to upload your existing data in one go. Make a copy of this spreadsheet (see under the file menu) and populate as best you can (see below). Let us know when you’re ready to import by […]